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Summary of the Three Common Issues in Custom App Development
2023.02.02 10:44

I. Steps for Custom App Development

1. Communication and Understanding

Sign contract, project timeline, understand client's requirements, and confidentiality agreement.

2. Technical Analysis

Conduct technical feasibility analysis and outline technical solutions.

3. Negotiation of Details

Discuss project details, project timeline, and pricing.

4. Product Prototype

Create product prototype for client confirmation, with project manager's involvement to monitor progress.

5. Visual Design

Design high-fidelity visual graphics for client confirmation, with project manager's involvement to monitor progress.

6. Function Development

Project development, adjust based on feedback from testing engineers, with project manager's involvement to monitor progress.

7. Testing

Project testing, provide testing report feedback to engineers for adjustments, with project manager's involvement to monitor progress.

8. Acceptance

Provide final product package for client acceptance.

9. Launch

Release the app.

II. Personnel Required for App Development

According to the above steps, the project involves: business representatives, project managers, product managers, UI designers, development engineers, and testing engineers.

III. Factors Affecting Custom App Development Pricing

1. App Functionality Requirements

More complex business requirements and functionalities require more time and resources.

2. Strength of the Technical Team

Different teams (individual developers, development teams, professional app development companies) offer varying price quotes and quality levels.

3. Different Development Approaches

Different app development technologies and methods (native, hybrid, web) have varying pricing.

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