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Same-city delivery solution

Focus on same-city services, including same-city distribution, same-city errands, merchant services, life services, freight systems, background scheduling development, providing a full range of one-stop distribution solutions such as planning customization, model upgrades and implementation and deployment

Applicable scenarios

Do things in the same city
Door-to-door service
Merchants issue orders
Ride-hailing service
Same city purchasing
Same-city express delivery
Same-city freight
Universal queue

Same city errands service system

Tailor-made for entrepreneurs running errands in the same city, scheduling system + user orders + merchant orders + delivery staff to grab orders

Same-city merchant management system

Seamless docking of, Meituan, WeChat ordering, telephone ordering and other major platforms, intelligent AI scheduling system

Same-city freight system

Tailor-made for freight entrepreneurs in the same city, the dispatching system + driver terminal + user terminal supports multi-city operation

Intelligent background scheduling system

UDAY Technology independently develops a super AI brain to help you build a distribution ecosystem

Core highlights

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