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It's 优德, not 优徳
2024.02.02 16:07

The "德" in 优德 has a horizontal stroke in the middle, so we are "优德," not "优徳"! We face the direction of "the path we walk," following our nature and heart. We adhere to the principle of "those who are virtuous and excellent can go far."

Now, let's take a look at the differences between "德" and "徳."

1. Pronunciation

德: Pinyin [dé].

徳: Pinyin [dé].

Both characters have the same pronunciation and meaning, only the writing is different.

2. Meaning

德: Commonly refers to morality, virtue, and wise individuals with moral integrity.

徳: "徳" is the ancient form of "德," and it signifies facing the direction of "the path we walk," following our nature and heart.

Expanded meaning: Both "德" and "徳" signify following one's nature and heart, but "德" also refers to a person's morality, virtue, character, and style. Additionally, "德" also conveys the meanings of grace, gratitude, and objective principles.

3. Part of Speech

德: Can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective in a sentence.

徳: Usually functions as an adverb in a sentence, modifying the subject or object.

4. Character Form

Although 徳 and 德 have similar character forms, in ancient times, "徳" was the ancient character for "德," appearing earlier than "德." Later, "徳" gradually evolved into an alternative form of "德."

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