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Smart Venue Credit Score Mechanism: Let Users Enjoy Better Quality Venue Services
2024.02.19 10:58

Smart venue is a new type of venue model that uses information technology and digital means to integrate and optimize the venue’s resources and services, and provide users with more convenient, efficient, and personalized venue experience. Smart venue can not only improve the venue’s operational efficiency and management level, but also meet the diverse and individual needs of users, and enhance their venue participation and satisfaction.

In order to better achieve the goal of smart venue, the smart venue platform has launched a credit score mechanism, which aims to encourage users to abide by the platform’s rules and agreements, ensure the normal operation and service quality of the smart venue, and improve the user’s venue experience and satisfaction. The main content of the credit score mechanism is as follows:

- The initial credit score of users on the smart venue platform is 100 points, and the range of credit score is 0-100 points;

- The user’s behavior of booking, checking in or absenting on the smart venue platform will affect the change of their credit score, and the rules of credit score change vary according to the user’s behavior;

- The user’s credit score will affect their registration qualification and preferential benefits on the smart venue platform, and the rules of credit score impact vary according to the user’s credit score level;

- Users can learn about the tasks to restore their credit score through the credit score rule description, and the rules of credit score restoration vary according to the user’s tasks.

The credit score mechanism is an important measure formulated by the smart venue platform to implement the incentives and punishments for honesty and dishonesty, improve the user’s honesty awareness and level, and promote the honest operation and fair competition of the smart venue. The credit score mechanism can not only protect the interests and authority of the smart venue, but also safeguard the rights and dignity of users, enhance their trust and loyalty, and form a good credit culture and atmosphere.

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